深圳市以国际先进城市为基准和标杆,构建城市文化品牌体系,是贯彻落实中央提出的“文化创新”战略部署的重要举措,也是实现建设现代化国际化创新型城市发展目标的有效途径。城市文化品牌是城市精神和文化价值的载体,是城市文化个性和文化魅力的名片。培育和扶持城市文化产业品牌,关键在于不断改革和创新文化体制和机制,切实转变文化发展理念和方式。深圳应借鉴和参照东京、芝加哥、巴黎、纽约、伦敦、悉尼、洛杉矶和首尔等发达国家城市发展的成功经验和先进模式,构建城市文化品牌体系,这将有助于深圳转变文化发展方式,调整优化文化产业结构,实现经济形态的转型更新;有助于深圳提升城市公共文化服务功能,保障市民的文化权益,满足人民群众的精神文化需要;有助于深圳提升影响力、竞争力、知名度和美誉度,树立良好的城市文化形象,展现城市崭新的文化风貌;有助于深圳推动中华文化走出去,展现中国气派、中国风格和中国精神,维护国家文化利益,保障国家文化安全。important sign that the vast number of consumers accept and agree with and in the market competition which is also an important yardstick to measure the productivity of a city's culture. It has many functions such as gathering capital, guiding consumption, extending chain, doubling profit and so on. The successful experience and reference from Chicago, Paris, Tokyo, New York, London, Sydney, Los Angeles and Seoul and other developed countries’ advanced mode and the construction of city cultural brand system, contributes to the transformation of Shenzhen cultural developmental mode, adjust and optimize the structure of cultural industry to accomplish the transformation of real economy update; It also helps to improve the city of Shenzhen public cultural services, and protect people's cultural rights and interest in a big degree to meet the spiritual and cultural needs of the residents; Stil, it helps Shenzhen to expand their influence, competitiveness and visibility, reputation, establish a good image of city culture and show the new cultural city; The most important, it helps Shenzhen to promote Chinese culture to go out to show Chinese style, form and spirit, safeguarding national cultural interests and safeguard national cultural safety.