POST-TRAUAMTIC HEADACHE VARIANTS Musculoskeletal Headache Musculoskeletal headache is classically characterized as a cap-like discomfort, but varies with the offending musculature.The sternocleidomastoid is notorious for referring pain retro or periorbitally.The pain may be constant or intermittent,relieved by application of heat,cold,massage and many over the counter medications including NSAIDs.There may be autonomic components to specific muscles.TMJ or craniomandibular syndrome may be considered a variant of musculoskeletal or tension headache and is almost always seen in conjunction with direct trauma to the craniomandibular complex when traumatic in origin.This type of headache is also frequently overlooked as a primary or contributory cause for PTHA.In TMJ,clicking,popping or malocclusion of the jaw may be noticed.Other etiologies of TMJD must be assessed for that may have little or nothing to do with the traumatic injury in question,whether in relation to stress or tension,dental malocclusion,and/or prior psychosexual abuse.
创伤、后头痛、神经康复、观点、tension、application、type of、complex、stress、little