Revival of Culture:The Approach of Public Confucianism
1 IntroductionRecently,I received Deng Xize”s work Revival of Traditional Chinese Culture:The Approach of Public Confucianism.Coincidentally,I also read Xu Jialu”s paper ”Remove the Shackles and Dance:Chinese Philosophy Needs a Revolution” (Literature,History and Philosophy,2009,No.5).The former is a book of great length while the latter is terse and forceful paper,but both refer to the same serious topic-cultural autonomy.Xu Jialu praises the comparative philosophical vision held by scholars from A.C.Graham to Roger Ames,and he looks forward to starting a revolution in Chinese Philosophy by building up cross-cultural interpretation,which will bring about a free dialogue between China and the Western world.Deng Xize uses a set of rigorous and systematic methods in his analysis and rigorous critique,devising several solutions to the modern question ”what”s the use of the historical culture?” He proposes using the approach of Public Confucianism,in order to build a common platform for dialogue between China and the Western world.In comparison,Xu mainly stresses negation,while Deng Xize emphasizes affirmation.The two both refer to the same major contemporary issue-the cultural renaissance.It can be said that Deng Xize has not only removed the chains,but also performed a magical dance.It is the negation and the affirmation here that lets us enjoy the Chinese people”s pursuit of academic autonomy.
Traditional Chinese Culture、Public、cross-cultural、historical culture、Approach、Western、interpretation、comparative、paper、Literature、Dance、comparison、China、solutions、building、analysis、modern、order、Needs、major