

@@ JANUARY23- 25, 4th International Conferencn FUSION OF EARTH DATA, Groupe Teledetection & Modelisa- tion. Sophia Antipolis. French Riviera, France. Contact: www. data-fusion. org/conf/fourth.30-Feb l. Austin. Texas. 12th Annual Texas GIS Forum and Training Conference. Contact: Hugh Bender. TNRIS director, 1700N. Congress Ave. , Austin ,TX78711”512-463- 8337 ,fax, 512- 463- 7274 ,e -mail: hbender@tnris. state. tx. us, Web: http://www. tnris. state. tx. us/gisfestival”March17-20, The Geospatial Information &Technology Association”s (GITA) Annual Conference 25 :” Bringing IT To-gether: Charting the Course,” Geospatial Information & Technology Association”s (GI-TA), Tampa, FL. Contact: 303- 337- 0513, info @gita. org; http://www. gita. org.April5-7. Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry Society 12th Thompson Symposium,loughborough, Eng-land Contact :The RSPSoc Office,School of Geography,University of Nottingham,Nottingham NG7 2RDTel. :+44 115 951 5435 website :www. rspsoc. org8-11. CoLorado Springs. Colo. 18th National Space Symposium. Contact:The Space Foundation,2860 S. Circle Drive,Suite 2301,Colorado Springs, CO80906”800-691-4000,fax: 719-576-8801,e-mail: custserv@spacefoundation. org, Web: http ..//www. spacesymposium. org”19-26. American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing ASPRS-ACSM Annual Confer-enee and XXII FIG Congreess,Washington D. C, USA Contact: 5410 Grosvenor Lane,Suite 210, Bethes-da,Maryland 20814-2160,USA,Tel.: +1 301 493 0290May14-16, The New English GIS Conference, New England Chapters of GITA and ACSM, Boxborough. MA. Contact: 802-655-7769;www. negis. org.15-18. Enschede, The Netherlands. Sixth Seminar on GIS and Developing Countries (GISDECO2002). Contact :GISDECO 2002, International Institute for Aerospace Sur-vey and Earth Sciences. POBox 6, 7500 AA Enschede, The NetherLands ”e- mail .. GISDECO2002@itc. nl, Web: http://www. geog.uu. nl/gisdeco/gisdeco. html”June11-13, Third International Symposium on: Remote Sensing of Urban Areas, Istanbul Technical Uni-versity, Istanbul, Turkey. Contact :www. ins. itu. edu. tr/rsurban3.July9-12, Joint Internatinnal Symposium on GeoSpatial Theory, Processing and Applications. ISPRSCommission IV 10th SDH, and CIG. Ottawa,Canada. Contact :www. geomatics2002. org.8-12. San Diego. 22nd Annual ESRI International User Confcrence. Contact:ESRI Inc. 380 NewYork St., Red-lands, CA 92373-8100”909-793-2853 ext. 1-1363, fax : 909 - 3O7 - 3128 , http : //www. esri. com/events/uc”9-12. International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Symposium of Commission IV,Ot-tawa,Canada,Contact : T. Herbert, Canada Institute of ageomatics, 1390 Prince of Wales, Suite 400,Ot-tawa,Ontario, Canada K2C 3N6 Tel. :+1 613 224 985124 - 28, IGARSS International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium Conference; Toronto, Canada;Jeannie Boyes info@igarss02. ca ;www. igarss02. ca/index. htmlSeptember18-20. EARSel Special Interest Group on Remote Sensing for Developing Countries, University ofBonn Remote Sensing Research Group. Bonn. Germany. Contact: 49- 0- 228- 729701: 49- 0- 228-739702 (fax) ;www. rsrg. uni-bonn. de.November8-15. Denver. The 15th William T. Pecora Memorial Remote Sensing Symposium/Land Satellite In-formation IV Conference and Exhibition and the International Society for Photogrammetry and RemoteSensing Commission I Symposium. Contact :TemperanceBattee, Marketing/Meetings Manager, AmericanSociety for Photugrammetry and Remote Sensing. 5410 Grosvenor Lane, Suite 210. Bethesda. MD 20814-2160”301-493-0290ext. 1O6, fax:301-493-0208. e-maiL:tbattee@asprs. org, http://www. as-prs. org/Pecora- ISPRS- 2002”18-20. Integrating Remote Sensing at the Global, Regional and Local Scale,ASPRS, Denver, CO.Contact :301-493-0290; www. asprs. org.DECEMBER3- 6. Hyderabad, India. International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing TechnicalCommission VII (ISPRS TC VII) International Symposium on Resource and Environmental Monitoring.Contact: Organising Secretariat, National Remote Sensing Agency, Balanagar, Hydrabad 500 037, India ”91- 40 - 387 - 8962, fax: 91 - 40 - 387 - 7210, e - mail: isprstcvii @nrsa. gov. in, www. commission7. isprs.org”

Remote Sensing、International Society、Developing Countries、Environmental Monitoring、Earth Sciences、Urban Areas、Local Scale












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