International Symposium on Future Software Technology 2001(ISFST2001)征文通知This is the 6th symposium dedicated to the future software technology, whi ch will be held in Zhengzhou, China on November 5~7, 2001. It is organized by SE A (Software Engineers Association of Japan), UNU/IIST (International Institute o f Software Technology of United Nations University), Zhengzhou University (China ), and Henan University (China). The symposium will bring together researchers, practitioners, and educators in the leading-edge software technologies. The theme of the ISFST2001 is: “First Step of Software Technology in 21st Ce ntury”. Suggested topics include, but are not limited to: Software development method/tools; Software process (modeling/management); Web-related technologies; Database/Data warehouse; New application technologies; Software component and a rchitecture; Formal methods/approaches; Testing and verification; System evoluti on and maintenance; Human aspects of computer application. Paper Submission: Submissions should contain the type of the submission (Full (5 000 words) or Extended-Abstract (1500 words)), title, author names and their af filiation and address, abstract, and a list of keywords, followed by the text. E lectronic submissions (postscript or Word RTF) are welcome. Six copies are requi red for paper submission in case of surface mail. Submissions via FAX are not ac cepted. All submissions should be accompanied with cover-sheet information elec tronically sent to the Program Chair. The E-mail must include: title, author na mes, abstract, a list of keywords, the type of the submission (full paper or ext ended abstract), and the corresponding address of the first author (name, postal address, E-mail address, and phone and fax numbers). Paper selection will be b ased on originality and contribution to the topics. Accepted papers will appear in the symposium proceedings if it is presented by the author at the symposium, which will be published by SEA Japan. Important Dates: Submission deadline: June 30, 2001; Notification of acceptance: August 15, 2001; Final paper due: September 20, 2001. Communications: within China, the submissions should be received by one of the P rogram Chairs: Beijun Shen, Tel: 86-21-64855251, E-mail: isfst@asti.com.c n or beijun.shen@netease.com
软件技术、Software Technology、computer application、United Nations、type of、通知