21世纪已经来临。在新的世纪中,工业工程学科将面临怎样的机遇和挑战?我们的杂志将如何努力才能适应新时代的要求?这是读者、作者和编者都共同关心的问题。 制造业是社会财富的源泉。源于制造业的工业工程与刚刚过去的20世纪同步,从泰勒的科学管理发展到今天成为一门以运筹学和系统工程为基础的现代工程管理科学。最近10年,制造业得到了飞速的发展,开发了一些新技术,提出了一些新理念和一些新问题。这些新技术、新理念和新问题将在新世纪中进一步充实、完善和发展并付之实施。这将大大丰富工业工程学科的研究内容。我们将积极跟踪这些发展,努力组稿,以适应新时代的要求。 服务业是决定国计民生的产业。在先进国家,它的产值已占国民经济总产值的70%。工业工程的管理方法同样适用于服务业。但服务业有着与制造业不同的某些特点。如何开发符合服务业特点的管理方法是近年来工业工程学科探索的主要课题之一,也已取得了一些成果。我们欢迎这方面的来稿。 国有企业是我国国民经济的支柱。国有企业管理改革的最重要目标是形成适应市场经济要求的管理体制和经营机制,建立现代企业制度。因此,探索和推行符合市场经济规律和我国国情的工程管理方法是当务之急。我们盼望从事国企管理改革的探索者们,能将你们的好经验总结成文,以飨读者。 在新世纪来临之际,我们特发表“数字化与网络化制造”和“对未来工业工程的思考”两篇文章,希望对读者有所启发。 工业工程是市场经济的产物,在美国已有百年的发展历史。我国在30年代也已在交通大学等院校设立类似的系科。在50年代实行计划经济之后,这个系科随之消失。改革开放之后,在原机械工业部的积极推动下,我国从1989年开始引进一些现代管理技术和方法。目前全国已有30多所高校建立了工业工程专业。我国实行社会主义市场经济,为工业工程的发展和推广应用开辟了广阔的前景。在这个浪潮中应运而生的《工业工程与管理》,与广大读者、作者共同度过了3年的创业生涯,取得了一些成绩。杂志已被列入中国科技论文统计源期刊并被评为教育部优秀科技期刊。但是杂志还存在一些不足,如:组稿面还不够宽,特别是总结我国企业管理成功经验的文章还不多;编辑质量还有待进一步提高,等等。我们决心努力改进工作。我们热切希望在新的一年中能继续得到作者、读者的支持和帮助,给我们来稿,向我们提出批评和建议,共同为办好杂志而努力。2000年1月 The 21st century is with us now. In the coming new century, what kind of opportunities and challenges will we meet in the field of industrial engineering? How can our journal meet the demands of the new era? This is one major concern we share with our readers and authors. Manufacturing industry is one of the major sources of social wealth. The industrial engineering, which originated from the growth of manufacturing industry, has developed synchronically with the passing 20th century, maturing from Taylors scientific management into a modern science of industrial engineering based on operations research and systems engineering. In the past decade, manufacturing industry has undergone rapid progress with development of new technologies and formation of new concepts as well as some new problems. We will closely follow and reflect the developments in these areas. Service industry is the one which determines the national economy and the peoples livelihood. In advanced countries, the output value of service industry has already reached 70% of the gross national product. The management methods of industrial engineering can also be applicable to the service industry. To develop management methods in light of the specific conditions of service industry is one of the major projects in the academic exploration of industrial engineering. Contributions relating to the development in this field are welcome. State - owned enterprises are a major pillar of Chinas national economy. The most important target of the management reform of Chinas state - owned enterprises is to form a management system and operation system which conform to the laws of market economy and the national conditions of the country. We sincerely hope the explorers and pioneers in the management reform of state - owned enterprises will readily contribute to our journal and let our readers share your precious experience. Industrial engineering is the product of market economy and has a history of one hundrend years in the United States. In China, departments of similar kind were established in 1930’s. Since the reform and opening to the outside world, China has from 1989 started to introduce some modern management techniques and methods. The implementation of socialist market economy in China has opened broader prospects for the development, popularity and application of industrial engineering. Amid such heated wave emerges Industrial Engineering and Management. We have made some progress in the three pioneering years with the support from our readers and authors. The journal has been listed as the “periodical of statistical source for scientific and technological papers published in China” and awarded “Excellent Scientific & Technological Journal” by the Ministry of Education. However, we are clearly aware of the long road ahead and greater improvements to be made in the new century. We have the full confidence and determination to offer our readers a better journal, both academic and practical. We are eagerly looking forward to the continuous support, assistance, suggestions and criticisms from our readers and authors. Let us join our efforts to run the journal well. Happy New Year, Happy New Century and Merry New Millennium to all our readers and contributors!
工业工程、管理方法、socialist market economy、适应市场经济要求、national economy、opening to the outside world、制造业、工程学科、服务业、management techniques、时代的要求、读者、of service、systems engineering、operations research、the United States、management system、社会主义市场经济、企业管理、建立现代企业制度