1.revenue/'rev(a)nju:/n.the income that a company receives from its business收益
2.pyrotechnics/,pa(I)r(a)'tekn(I)ks/n.a public show of fireworks烟花;烟花表演
3.neuroscientist/'nj(ua)r(au)sa(Ia)nt(I)st/n.a scientist who studies the nervous system and the brain神经科学家
4.amygdala/(c)'m(I)gd(a)l(a)/n.one of two parts of the brain that affect how people feel emotions,especially fear and pleasure(大脑中的)杏仁核;杏仁体(主要影响情绪,尤其是愉悦和恐惧)
5.perception/p(a)'sep∫n/n.a belief or opinion,often held by many people and based on how things seem认识;观念;看法
6.intriguing/(I)n'tri:g(Ig)/adj.very interesting because of being unusual or mysterious非常有趣的;引人入胜的;神秘的
7.novelty/'n(a)vlti/n.the quality of being new and unusual新颖;新奇
8.synthesize/'s(I)nθ(a)sa(I)z/v.to produce a substance by a chemical reaction in plants or animals合成
9.captivating/'k(a)ept(I)ve(I)t(Ig)/adj.attractive and interesting in a way that holds your attention有吸引力的;迷人的
10.hardwired/,ha:d'wa(Ia)d/adj.If someone or something is hardwired to do a particular thing,they automatically do it and cannot change that behaviour.本能的;无法改变的
11.pigment/'p(I)gm(a)nt/n.a substance that gives something a particular color色素;颜料